Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christopher Nelson and AVID

Yesterday November 15, 2010 I was able to sit in on a presentation of “Lost” editor Christopher Nelson at Full Sail University. Christopher Nelson career with lost starts in season three and at the presentation for Avid he told the audience of his hardships while editing the television show. Although the event was hosted to advertise Avid editing software we really got to see and hear the inside scoop of how the editing is done for a popular Television Show. Christopher Nelson describes the days as long over 24 hours at time and even more time as the series came to its close. Christopher discussed a episode in which the graphic did not meet the vision of him and the director of the episode but had no choose as it was to expensive to get another company to render better effects, in order to save the footage Christopher said he added high frequency shake to keep you eyes away from the bad CGI. Christopher is able to create an epic episode where a plane is crashing and during his summers create stunning and simpler cuts in “Mad Men”.
Nelson discussed his past and how he use to cut film with his hands back in the day to now where he just does everything in his office on a simple to use editing system that can now be installed on a laptop computer. Nelson say he enjoys having the ability to take a Friday night off for a even then edit while on a plane, he also said it help while editing Lost and Mad Men at the same time. At the end of his presentation we got to ask him question and his advice for future directors was to speak of the emotion you want and if that doesn’t work describe it to me technically, and never say you dislike a actors performance because its your job to make it look good.


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